Free Tools for Outdoor Service Guide groups.
Web Hosting
Simple, straight forward web hosting. Use one of our pre-built themes powered by Grav, or upload your own website. Bring your own domain, or use one of our subdomains.
Password Vault
Keep your passwords safe and share sensitive information with your group. A simple password vault powered by Vaultwarden. Compatible with Bitwarden clients.
Team Chat
Collaborate with Scouts and Caregivers. Share plans and ideas. Chat with OSG members across the coutry, or just your own group. Secure, private group chatting powered by Mattermost.
OSG groups have a lot on their plate: organizing events, chasing Chipmunks, planning badge work. On top of that, some groups aren't officially tax exempt so getting free services from big cloud providers is difficult. Those groups are left with either paying for services (which can often be per user) or hosting themselves (assuming you know someone that can).